Workout Cards and Exercise Descriptions

Here are a list of the workout cards that are available as well as descriptions of many of the exercises.
The cards can be ordered off of the home page with the Audio Files - check it out.

It is my recommendation that you print out the cards on 3 whole punch paper, and store them in a binder so you can keep track of your progress! This is how we get stronger, leaner and more fit - not by just going through the motions.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Leave a comment or email me directly at .

Pick 3 workout for only $5! You also get a FREE warm up Workout Card as well! 

SAMPLE Workout Card:

Kettlebell Workouts:

40/20 : Start with 5 minutes of TGU’s, alternating sides and alternating leg through version with the squat version. 40 Seconds on/20 seconds off. Do as many reps as you can in the 40 seconds, then rest 20.
Complete 3 rounds. Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Strength 15/15 : This is a strength workout 15 seconds on/15 seconds off. Due to the shorter duration of performing the exercise use a heavier Kettlebell than you normally would. Starting with some TGU work, then 3 rounds of 7 exercises.
Cardio Blast, 200 Swing Challenge : Performing TGU’s, lots of swings, and ending with core work. Make sure you choose a lighter Kettlebell for the 200 swings so you can keep going! This is a cardio blast workout.

KB and Bodyweight Workouts:

CrossFit Challenge Workout : Perform 8 rounds of the 4 hardcore exercises as fast as you can without sacrificing form. Take as little rest as possible.

50/10 : Perform 3-5 rounds of 6 exercises as 50 seconds on 10 seconds off. Give it all you have for the 50 seconds, then the 10 second ‘rest’ is just to move onto the next exercise. Take 1:00-2:00 minute break between the 3 rounds.

Bodyweight Workouts:

45/15  : Do as many reps as you can in the 45 seconds, then rest 15 seconds as you get ready to move onto the next exercise. Complete all 6 exercises, rest one minute and repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds.

Total Body Workout : Complete all 8 exercises with no rest between them, then rest 1 minute. Repeat 2 more times through for a total of 3 rounds.

300 Rep Challenge: Repeat the 5 exercises (12 reps each) as fast as you can (without sacrificing form) 5 times through. Take breaks when you need it, but keep it going.

BodyWeight Exercise Descriptions:

Lunge Forward & Backwards – start with your feet together, lunge forward on your right foot, step feet back together, then lunge backwards with right foot, step feet together – 20 times, then do left side.

Burpee – squat down, place hands on floor, jump back into a push up position, perform 1 pushup, jump feet back to hands, jump up to standing.

Superman back squeezes – lay on floor on belly, lift arms and legs, bend elbows into body and squeeze your shoulder blades together, then reach arms forward again.

Side Plank Lifts –From a side plank position (these can be done on your hand for a more advance variation, or on your elbow for a less intense variation) lift and lower your hips just an inch or two off the ground.

V-Ups - lay on your back, lift arms and legs and sit all the way up into a V position working your abdominals. Arms can be overhead or at your sides, legs can be straight or bent depending on the level of intensity you are after.

Knee Tucks – Get into a push up position, try and touch your right knee to left elbow, then left knee to right elbow.

Speed Squats – full range of motion squats, hips below parallel, chest up, feet slightly open and slightly wider than hip width, squatting up and down as fast as you can.

Side to Side Lunges – start with feet together, lunge to the right as deep as you can keeping chest up and keeping left leg straight. Step feet back together, then lunge left, keeping right leg straight.

Walkouts w/ a pushup - squat down to place hanks onto floor, walk hands out to a push up position, do one pushup, then walk hands back to feet, bending knees as much as you need to, and stand back up.

Sumo Squat, tap, tap – legs wider than hip width, toes turned slightly out, squat down and touch the ground in between your feet. (Make sure you are squatting down low enough and not folding forward using your low back. Thighs should go below parallel). Then jump up back up, to standing bringing feet together, and jump once more – hence the tap, tap (like you were jump roping in place). Then jump back down into a sumo squat, repeating the sequence.

Pike Push ups – Get into a Downward dog position, walk feet in closer to hands, bend knees, tailbone high, up on tippy toes (you’ll be in a pike position now), then bend elbows out to sides trying to get head as close to the ground as possible.

Prisoner Squat, Lunge, Lunge –interlace fingers behind head, elbows wide. Squat down and up, then lunge back with the right leg, then the left leg. Start over again with the squat.

Prisoner Get Ups – lay down on the ground on your back with hands interlaced behind your head, elbows wide. Using your abs, sit up, then come up to standing keeping your hands behind your head. Go back down to the starting position. Make sure you switch your lead leg each time you come up to standing.

Body Rows - if you happen to have pull up equipment you can do those instead - even if you cannot do full pull ups, do assisted ones or jumping, or negatives.
But you can make your own body row equipment very easily to work your back muscles.

Body Rows

 Get 2 chairs and slide a broom through them. Climb underneath with an overhand grip on the broom. Knees bent or legs straight, keep torso strong and in one line. With arm and back strength pull yourself up to the broomstick, and then back down. 

Dynamic ab planks - get into an ab plank position on your elbows, jump your feet apart, then back together as fast as you can.

Mountain climbers - get into a push up position. Bring a knee into your chest and then switch sides as fast as you can.
Shoulders stay on top of wrists, and hips are level, not above shoulder height.

KB Exercise Descriptions:

TGU - Stands for Turkish Get Up.

Vertical Swing – start with KB between legs, squat down, grab KB with both hands, keeping it close to the body, stand straight up, high pulling the KB through an upright row all the way overhead, arms in locked out position, squat all the way back down, and repeat.

Burpee Clean and Press – start with KB between legs, perform 1 burpee, but when you jump feet to hands, grab KB, clean and press it up on the right(or left) side, place it back on the ground, and repeat.

Sumo Deadlift HighPull - start with the KB between your feet - which are in a 'sumo' stance (slightly wider than hip widt, toes pointing slightly out). Squat down deep, grab the KB with both hands and stand up bringing KB to chin height, elbows out wide - almost as if you were doing an upright row. Go back down and up as fast as you can. No pause at the bottom or top.

Thruster - this is a clean, squat and press all in one motion.